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Due to its strong performance, SBJ GROUP was able to establish excellent professional personnel as well as highly positive relationships with clients in the region where it first began operating as a single firm for trade, construction, and marketing in the early 1980s.
Since 1982, SBJ Group has been actively involved in numerous projects and operations in the fields of planning, construction, and project repair.
Trading includes importing products from reputable vendors and reliable international suppliers for our clients, as well as exporting raw, semi-finished, and finished goods to nations in the region. We market these companies' products in the market to meet needs while also competing on quality and suitability.
Since our inception, we have had a clear strategy to fulfill our goals and sustain our constant growth. Through experience and application, we have further developed and adjusted our strategy to reach excellence. Our strategy sets us apart from our competition and ensures our success. The main points of our strategy are:
• Looking at the big picture and avoiding shortsightedness which ensures our success in the long run.
• Driven by results, that drives us to persistent maximization of returns and minimization of costs.
• Providing consistent quality and always striving to keep the highest standards and business practices.
• Establishing long-term partnerships with our highly satisfied and valuable Clients and Partners.
• Abide by timelines and budget to guarantee expected results and even go beyond it.
• Having selective openness to new partnerships and industries helped us to have clear criteria of selectivity. Our projects and partners were thoughtfully chosen to ensure that excellence and quality would never decrease.
• Giving back to our community has always been a major strategic milestone. The trust that we earned from our community is an honor for our Group thus, we aim to return to our people and always consider their interests and safety.
• First, the world - Our strategy to become a major player starts where the others stop. First, we strengthen our position as a pre-eminent multi-national corporation by realizing our national goals, and then with our partnerships and excellent reputation, we gradually expand worldwide.
ensures returns and minimization of costs.
• Providing consistent quality and always striving to keep the highest standards and business practices.
• Establishing long-term partnerships with our highly satisfied and valuable both Clients and Partners.
• Abide by timelines and budget to guarantee expected results and even go beyond it.
• Having selective openness to new partnerships and industries helped us to have clear criteria of selectivity. Our projects and partners were thought fully chosen to ensure that excellence and quality would never decrease.
• Giving back to our community has always been a major strategic milestone. The trust that we earned from our community is an honor for our Group thus, we aim to return to our people and always consider their interests and safety.
• First, the world - Our strategy to become a major player starts at home in Iraq. First, we strengthen our position as a pre-eminent Iraqi corporation by realizing our national goals, and then with our partnerships and excellent reputation we gradually expand worldwide.
The Quality and Safety Manager is independent of the Construction Department, and this is in order to remain as objective and impartial as possible. A site safety committee is formed on every site, and it consists of the project engineer/site safety officer (chairman of the committee) and the safety representatives.
A brief description of the duties and responsibilities of each individual is given below:
The Project Manager is responsible for the operation of the Company’s Safety Policy on his site. He monitors his site to ensure the implementation of safety instructions.
When the company acts as a health and safety coordinator at the construction phase, the project manager is responsible for ensuring:
The Quality and Safety Manager is responsible for the implementation of the company’s safety policy and for ensuring a system of management to effectively control and coordinate the activities of contractors. Amongst his basic duties are to advise the Managing Director and the Construction Manager on the legal
requirements and safety matters in general, to check that the company’s work is being carried out in accordance with the legal requirements and recommended methods, to keep all the relevant safety records, and to inform and instruct the Site safety Officers as to their duties.
The Project Engineer/Site Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring the day-to-day implementation of the Company’s safety Policy and safe working practices, for coordinating the activities of contractors, for developing the Health and Safety plan and for providing relevant information to contractors. Amongst his basic duties are to inspect the site and produce a written report highlighting hazards, providing advice and indicating other matters checked and discussed during the inspection of the site.
Depending on the complexity of the site, the frequency of inspections can be anything between once weeks to once a month. Other duties are to summon and chair the Safety Committee meetings, to prepare and distribute the agenda and to keep the minutes.
Amongst the basic duties of the Safety Representatives are to attend the Safety Committee meetings, to accompany the Labor/Safety Inspector or the Project Engineer/Site Safety Officer during the site inspections, to inform the Project Engineer/Site Safety Officer of any safety problems arising, to inform their colleagues about health and safety matters and generally to represent the employees at the particular site on health and safety matters.
Health and safety form an integral part of the company’s quality management system. Further to this, a health and safety plan is prepared specifically for each project undertaken by the company.
The project manager, in liaison with the Quality and Safety Manager, arranges for audits to be undertaken on the implementation of the Project Quality Plan as well as the Health and Safety Plan. The Project Manager also arranges for additional audits to be undertaken on particular sections of the work as required. Corrective and preventive action is taken as and whenever necessary.
SBJ GROUP has the following documented procedures in order to ensure that the requirements of the Quality Management System (QMS) are being followed at all times:
Internal Audits: The Company carries out Internal Audits once a year (or at other frequencies decided upon by the Quality and Safety Manager) in order to ensure that the QMS of the Company is properly implemented and that it is also effective and efficient. The Internal Audit effectively serves several purposes:
• Handling of Nonconformities: Any employee can identify and raise nonconformity at all stages of the company’s cycle. All nonconformities identified are recorded and evaluated by the departmental manager in order to apply the necessary corrective and/or preventive actions.
• Management Review Meeting: The Management Committee and the Quality and Safety Manager meet and review the QMS once a year. All decisions taken at this meeting are communicated to all people directly involved in order to take all the necessary Corrective and/or preventive actions.
• Corrective and Preventive Actions: All nonconformities identified are rectified by corrective and/or preventive Actions. After the corrective and/or Preventive actions have been executed (within the specified completion due date), verification is carried out by the relevant departmental Manager.
In summary, the arrangements for carrying out the Health and Safety Policy of the Company are the following:
• All the employees are informed of the policy.
• All the identified hazards associated with activities carried out as part of the normal work of the company are dealt with by following the standard company procedures that incorporate elements of health and safety. The precautions and procedures necessary for dealing with special risks relating to types of sites, building and processes of work activities are identified and implemented accordingly. Planned control measures are taken when dealing with substances hazardous to health.
Written safe systems and methods of work for all company activities, including maintenance and cleaning machinery and plant, are displayed on the Safety Notice Board or issued to the employees whenever necessary.
• All the necessary personal protective equipment and clothing are provided by the employer and employees refusing to use them are removed from the site.
• Health and safety inspections are carried out at regular intervals. Reports are sent to the Quality and Safety Manager who monitors the implementation of the policy and whenever necessary writes an improvement program listing what has to be done, who shall do it and setting a date for completion.
• Accidents are reported to the Quality and Safety Manager who arranges for an investigation involving visits to the scene of the accident, the collection of evidence, and taking statements. A report is written, and an analysis is carried out by comparing it to previous accident reports.
• All employees, and especially the safety representatives, can inform the project engineer or site safety officer of any health and safety matters or problems arising on site, either verbally or in writing. The site safety notice board can also be used for the supply and exchange of information.
• The following information is displayed on the Safety Notice Board of each site: